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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spy Games Chapter 20 is UP!!!


But, just so you know, Fanfiction is being super SUCK right now.. and not sending out the alerts.. Apparently, there's been a bunch of stuff going on in these past two days, and I received NONE of it in my personal email.

So here's the link:


Let me know what you think!

On another note, here's something to make you laugh!

True Story: Failblog.org OWNS me!!


  1. LOL, well I guess rythm is gonna get you...and your car...

    haven't read the chapter yet, I'm catching up with some other stories I'm reading first, I just let the bests till the end, and boy is yours good or what.

  2. JENN!

    it was fucking kick ass chapter! i still cant sign up for twilighted forums... i might be not suitable for them :( aah what do u know! shit dose happen! LMAO!


  3. LoL! Hey guys!

    Thanks Litany, glad you enjoyed it!

    CL82! I just got your review. Holy crow woman! I'm happy you liked it. Just wait and see what I have in store for you. Next chapter gets a little ... crazy.

    Maimu.. I don't know whats up with Twilighted. I rarely post my stuff over there. I think I only have until chapter 7 up. LoL..

    Thanks guys!
